Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Plotters, Pantsers, and All That Other Nonsense....

There are two kinds of writers in the world. Those who plot, and those who "pants".
Then there are subcategories like people who do the snow flake method or edit while they write and any other known writing style.

Plotters are those who plot their entire novel, page by page, chapter by chapter, and then they write.

"Pantsers" write by the seat of their pants. (I've never known why it's called "by the seat of your pants")
They get an idea, and then they begin writing immediately.

If you're a writer, then you've probably heard of these kinds of writers and already have an idea of what you are.

I've tried out many styles. I've tried writing immediately after getting an idea. I've tired plotting a novel chapter by chapter.

For me, the perfect style is "plantsing". Plotting-Pantsing. I can plot some, then I'll write.
For me, its perfect. My recent novel came out well because of plantsing.
Plantsing I think is the Snowflake method by Randy Ingermanson. Search his name or "the Snowflake method" on the Internet and you should be able to find how to use.

Basically, it depends who you are to determine your style. Some like full-on plotting, others just liked writing at the very start.


  1. My brother just showed me how the Snowflake Method works. It looked real interesting. I probably do "plantsing" too. I can get an idea, but I usually think about it a little before I actually decide if it's ready yet for actual work.

    1. I haven't used it yet, but I hope to use it for my next novel. Looks like a good method.
